NeedToBreathe - Make Me Lyrics

Make Me Lyrics

You guide my steps
You set my sail
You are the reason when I prevail
And you are my song
You are my scene
You are the you
Who is in me

Ooh, you make me
Ooh, you make me

You are my stage
I stand upon
You are my fortress
Where I belong
With all I am
It's not enough
I'm incomplete
Without your touch

Brokenness, come fall on me now
Brokenness, come fall on me now
Brokenness, come fall on me now
Brokenness, come fall on me now

Make Me Video

Make Me Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Make Me by NeedToBreathe: A Song of Surrender and Transformation


Released in 2007, this powerful track showcases the band's ability to combine catchy melodies with deep spiritual themes. Throughout the song, the band explores the concepts of surrender, transformation, and dependence on a higher power. We will analyze the main key messages of the song chronologically from the lines, discuss the meaning behind the lyrics, and critically analyze if the song aligns with biblical principles.

Verse 1: "You guide my steps, you set my sail, you are the reason when I prevail"

The opening lines of "Make Me" set the tone for the song, highlighting the band's acknowledgement of a higher power guiding their lives. The lyrics express a deep sense of dependence and trust in this guiding force. By acknowledging that God is the one who guides their steps and sets their sail, NeedToBreathe recognizes that their success and achievements are not solely the result of their own efforts, but rather a result of divine intervention and guidance.

Chorus: "And you are my song, you are my scene, you are the you who is in me, ooh, you make me"

The chorus emphasizes the intimate relationship between the band members and God. They view God as their ultimate source of inspiration and creativity, referring to Him as their song and their scene. The phrase "you are the you who is in me" speaks to the indwelling presence of God within them, highlighting their belief in the Holy Spirit's transformative power. The repeated phrase "ooh, you make me" further emphasizes their dependence on God for their very being and existence.

Verse 2: "You are my stage, I stand upon, you are my fortress, where I belong"

In the second verse, NeedToBreathe continues to express their reliance on God as their foundation and place of security. The imagery of God as a stage and a fortress conveys a sense of stability and protection. By standing on God as their stage, they acknowledge that all their actions and performances are ultimately for His glory. Furthermore, by recognizing God as their fortress, they find a sense of belonging and safety in His presence.

Bridge: "Brokenness, come fall on me now"

The bridge introduces a new element to the song - the concept of brokenness. NeedToBreathe welcomes brokenness, understanding that it is through brokenness that true transformation and growth can occur. By inviting brokenness to "fall on me now," they express a willingness to surrender their own pride and self-sufficiency, recognizing that it is through brokenness that God can work in their lives.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song "Make Me" is a powerful expression of surrender and transformation. It speaks to the band's recognition of their need for God's guidance, their dependence on Him for inspiration and creativity, and their willingness to embrace brokenness as a means of growth. The lyrics convey a deep sense of humility and reliance on a higher power, reflecting the band's Christian faith and worldview.

While there is no specific information available about the inspiration or story behind the song, it is likely that the band drew from their own personal experiences and spiritual journey. As Christians, they would have encountered moments of surrender and transformation in their relationship with God, which likely influenced the writing of this song. The lyrics resonate with anyone who has experienced a desire for a deeper connection with God and a willingness to let go of their own control.

Biblical Analysis:

In order to determine if the song "Make Me" aligns with biblical principles, we can examine the key messages of the song in light of Scripture. The song emphasizes the themes of surrender, dependence on God, and transformation, which are all consistent with biblical teachings.

1. Surrender: The concept of surrendering to God is a central theme in Christianity. Jesus teaches us to surrender our own will and desires to God's will (Matthew 16:24-25). The lyrics of "Make Me" express a willingness to surrender control and acknowledge God's guidance in our lives.

2. Dependence on God: NeedToBreathe acknowledges their dependence on God for inspiration and guidance. This aligns with biblical teachings that highlight our need for God's strength and wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-6, Philippians 4:13).

3. Transformation: The song recognizes the transformative power of God in our lives. The invitation for brokenness reflects the biblical understanding that it is through our brokenness that God can bring healing and transformation (Psalm 51:17, 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Overall, the themes and messages of "Make Me" align with biblical principles of surrender, dependence on God, and transformation. The song encourages listeners to embrace their need for God and the transformative work He can do in their lives.


"Make Me" by NeedToBreathe is a powerful song that expresses themes of surrender, dependence on God, and transformation. The lyrics reflect the band's Christian faith and their acknowledgment of a higher power guiding their lives. The song encourages listeners to let go of their own control and embrace the transformative work that God can do in their lives through brokenness. Through a biblical analysis, we find that the key messages of the song align with biblical principles of surrender, dependence on God, and transformation. "Make Me" serves as a reminder of our need for God's guidance and the transformative power of His presence in our lives.

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